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whooping cough meaning in Hindi

whooping cough sentence in Hindi
1.For most adolescents and adults, whooping cough, though uncomfortable, is not fatal.

2.Considerable progress was made to eradicate malaria, tuberculosis, whooping cough, and diphtheria.

3.It's a biotech company that's developing a pertussis, or whooping cough, vaccine.

4.The program includes vaccinations against whooping cough, polio, mumps, diphtheria and tetanus.

5.Uspenski missed the Russian national championships as a result of whooping cough.

6.Reports of whooping cough in teen-agers have risen substantially in recent years.

7.Our colonial ancestors put garlic in the shoes of whooping cough sufferers.

8.There, he was diagnosed with whooping cough and RSV, a respiratory virus.

9.Epidemics of whooping cough, influenza and smallpox ran through the community periodically.

10.Typhoid and whooping cough epidemics took heavy tolls in the Victorian period.

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a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane
Synonyms: pertussis,

How to say whooping cough in Hindi and what is the meaning of whooping cough in Hindi? whooping cough Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.