1. For most adolescents and adults, whooping cough , though uncomfortable, is not fatal. 2. Considerable progress was made to eradicate malaria, tuberculosis, whooping cough , and diphtheria. 3. It's a biotech company that's developing a pertussis, or whooping cough , vaccine. 4. The program includes vaccinations against whooping cough , polio, mumps, diphtheria and tetanus. 5. Uspenski missed the Russian national championships as a result of whooping cough . 6. Reports of whooping cough in teen-agers have risen substantially in recent years. 7. Our colonial ancestors put garlic in the shoes of whooping cough sufferers. 8. There, he was diagnosed with whooping cough and RSV, a respiratory virus. 9. Epidemics of whooping cough , influenza and smallpox ran through the community periodically. 10. Typhoid and whooping cough epidemics took heavy tolls in the Victorian period.